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Accounting services for Medical Professionals

CTK Accounting offers comprehensive accounting solutions tailored to the specific needs of medical professionals across Australia.

Customers rate us 5.0 stars
Quickbooks CertificationXero PartnerCPA Certification

Industry-recognised accounting firm

Problems our medical professional clients are facing:

Decision fatigue

Whether you are a GP in a bulk billing clinic seeing 30 patients a day or a specialist seeing fewer clients with more complicated health issues, the more important decisions you make throughout the day, the more depleted you will become. This is especially true when the decisions you are making directly impact others. Healthcare professionals carry the burden of patients' health outcomes on their shoulders.

How we help

As a registered CPA and tax practitioner firm, we alleviate the decision-making and research burden from healthcare professionals who are trying to manage their own tax compliance. Every hour a healthcare professional spends on tax research is an hour we have already dedicated to finding the answers.

We believe that healthcare professionals should prioritize their patients, continue their professional development in the medical field, and have time for their own rest and relaxation.

By focusing on your core competencies and outsourcing the rest, you can free up valuable time and mental capacity.We take a proactive approach in delivering our tax and compliance services, aiming to ensure that our clients will never be caught off guard by unexpected tax challenges or unnecessary time-consuming audits.

Lack of clarity on tax issues affecting medical professionals

Once health practitioners have completed their internships and residencies, they are free to contract to clinics of their choosing. For many, the years of being an employee will cease, and the can of worms that is trading under your own ABN will be opened.

Different arrangements can be made with medical practices, though it is standard practice for medical practitioners to bill clients directly with their own ABN and pay a fee for the facilities and admin provided by the practice.

How we help

Review entity structure to maximise tax savings

Review Personal services Income rules and ATO practical compliance guides if necessary to ensure your professional services business is compliant

Set up your business on leading accounting software, we use Quicbooks and Xero

BAS/GST lodgement


Payroll and superannuation processing

Time poor

Many medical clients work long hours and still take work home, such as responding to emails and reading through test results. With medical clinics pushing for higher patient turnover and the current shortage of talent (Qualified GPs are harder to come by than Ozempic!), practitioners are working more than ever.

How we help

We take the time to get to know our clients well and set up thorough systems initially to ensure ongoing efficiency. Our clients are put on a monthly payment schedule and added to our roster to ensure all accounting functions are processed on time.We take care of everything, so our clients barely have to lift a finger.

Indicative pricing.

Our comprehensive accounting packages start at $4,800 + GST annually.

If you are ready to explore having CTK Accounting as your trusted advisor and accountant, get in touch and we would be glad to see if we are a good match for your business.

Quickbooks CertificationXero PartnerCPA Certification
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